
França a atirar pedras com telhado de vidro

Retirei este texto do blog Merde in France (tem que ser assim, não sei fazer links). The estimated number of deaths in the greater Paris area due to excessive heat varies between 50 and 300 (CNN puts the figure at 100). Medical and governmental authorities claim that the true figure is close to zero and that all of these deaths should be put down to old age. During this heatwave, French televised news has covered news of heat related deaths ... in Portugal and Spain. France, which likes to claim that it has the best medical care in the world, is too proud to admit that over here, the old timers are dropping like flies.
UPDATE: The government has announced that it will now officially start counting the number of heat related deaths but that it is not easy to separate heat related deaths from deaths due to old age. Until now French 'experts' had no problem counting heat related deaths when they were happening in Portugal or Spain. This article refers to 3 heat related deaths deaths of young men in the Paris area.

Realmente os franceses não terão problemas em casa para andar a relatar os percalços dos outros? Esta maneira francesa de ver os países do Sul da Europa é muito mais irritante que o isolacionismo norte-americano. E postas as coisas deste modo sou mais atlantista que europeísta. Para quando uma nova Europa, que não, novos Estados Unidos da Europa? Esta paternalismo e sobranceria dos países centro de decisões, Alemanha, França, tolhe-nos.

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